About admin@admin

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So far admin@admin has created 622 blog entries.

The smart business of healthy animals

2022-10-05T17:22:45+02:00octubre 5th, 2022|Livestock Management Solutions|

Meg Salter, a veterinarian and farmer, says their family’s fundamental goal is to leave the country in a better state than when they bought it. The Tru-Test Walk over Weighing (WOW) system from Datamars Livestock is feeding into that goal, helping Meg and her husband, Warren make a measurable difference to animal health, welfare, [...]

Datamars technology driving circularity game changer for global textiles

2022-09-08T15:21:53+02:00septiembre 8th, 2022|Textile Identification|

Second hand wardrobe idea. Circular fashion, eco friendly sustainable shopping, thrifting shop concept. Woman outfit. A few years ago, you could position yourself as a sustainable fashion brand just by using organic cotton. Today the consumer expects much more. It's about the carbon footprint of products and companies and achieving climate neutrality, [...]

Moving to Zero Waste

2022-09-07T08:49:43+02:00septiembre 6th, 2022|Corporate, Sustainability|

As a globally responsible business, Datamars is looking closely at how waste is created and managed through its business with the view to eliminate or minimise. The attention on waste is one part of a broader companywide sustainability focus that is anchored within Datamars’ overall company strategy. Waste from its operations is viewed in [...]

Datamars acquires Prattley – Completing a perfect union of farm infrastructure to animal identification for livestock producers around the globe

2022-09-07T08:58:00+02:00septiembre 6th, 2022|Corporate|

Datamars announced today that it has acquired animal handling equipment company, Prattley Industries Ltd. With this strategic move, Datamars combines its own livestock traceability and productivity solutions with Prattley’s world leading handling solutions to offer a complete package for livestock producers around the world. The acquisition is a further step in line with Datamars’ [...]

Spotlight on Silvia Primi

2023-01-23T11:26:08+01:00agosto 15th, 2022|Corporate|

We continue our “Spotlight on” series where you get to meet some of our amazing employees from all around the globe, hear what it means to them to work for Datamars and learn more about their world outside of work. Meet Silvia Primi, Head of Marketing and Communications for the global Textile ID business, [...]

Cow behaviour insight leads to breeding gains

2022-08-03T11:30:55+02:00agosto 3rd, 2022|Livestock Management Solutions|

In Methven, New Zealand, Barry Flynn milks a 620-strong Friesian herd on 196Ha. He’s implemented Datamars Livestock’s Tru-Test Automated Heat Monitoring with Tru- Test Active Tag collar solution to track cow behaviour and improve animal health and breeding performance. We wanted to explore how we could improve our breeding performance. One key strategy for [...]

Reduce, reuse, recycle – Datamars Spain’s waste efforts recognised

2022-08-04T09:04:30+02:00agosto 3rd, 2022|Corporate|

Datamars Spain has put much effort into its waste management practices in recent years, including clear in-house sorting protocols and staff training. Alongside significant reduction and reuse activity which reduces the total amount of waste from operations, 100% of all remaining waste is recycled (70% of waste being paper and board). This importantly means [...]

Partnering for livestock disease eradication in New Zealand

2022-08-03T11:12:38+02:00agosto 3rd, 2022|Livestock Management Solutions|

Agtrac, the agricultural service provider that Datamars owns 51% of, developed a solution encompassing Datamars Livestock software, readers and training to accurately and effortlessly test and track animals for tuberculosis disease in New Zealand. On-behalf of OSPRI, AsureQuality tested over 2.6 million animals in a year. Datamars was the only provider able to provide [...]

Boosting productivity of Ugandan pig farmers

2022-08-03T11:01:39+02:00agosto 3rd, 2022|Livestock Management Solutions|

Pig farming is one of the fastest growing livestock activities in Uganda, increasing not just food production, but also income and employment. In 2020 Datamars partnered with the Roslin Institute, a word-leading institute for animal science research, with genetics specialists AbacusBio and Ugandan based organisations Vetline Services and Makere University on ‘PigBoost’. PigBoost is [...]

Spotlight on Alice Arnoldi

2023-01-23T11:26:22+01:00junio 27th, 2022|Corporate|

Through our “Spotlight on” series you get to meet some of our amazing employees from around the world and hear what working for Datamars looks like for them. In this edition we meet Alice Arnoldi, Product Manager – Pet Identification, based in Switzerland. Tell us about your personal background? I am Italian and graduated [...]

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