Expanding Horizons with Datamars’ Paolo Cicuta

2022-07-06T15:07:49+02:00noiembrie 30th, 2020|Sustainability|

Italian born Paolo Cicuta joined Datamars Slovakia as an Injection Molding Specialist four years ago. Now he is on a new adventure in Datamars Brazil, taking on the challenge of opening up our new injection molding plant in Porto Alegre. “If you show potential and seek opportunities, Datamars gives you all the support to help you grow.” says Paolo

Remote WOW powers sustainable livestock production

2022-07-06T15:07:23+02:00octombrie 30th, 2020|Sustainability|

At the Glenforrie Station in Australia, Datamars’ Tru-Test Remote WOW system is helping the Grey family more efficiently and sustainably manage their livestock and resources, by providing the ability to act on individual weight based animal performance information remotely and without human intervention. “It’s making us markedly better animal and land managers.” says Murray Grey

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